Sunday, August 19, 2012

Shit I Watch While Bummin' It Out

Yh. This is what I need right now. Excuse the cursing.

 Brotherly Love

Brotherly Love 2

Happy Sunday.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tired isn't even the word...

Its only Tuesday and I feel burnt out. As in, there's no more fuel in me. Had a lot of thinking to do over the past week concerning school and everything else in my life so both mentally and physically, I am exhausted. As much as summer was suppose to be a break from everything that stresses me out during the school year, it wasn't. In all honestly the lines between school stress and life stress have become blurred and have crossed over and have multiplied. Basically, all have just become stress. No particular title or specific group. Just stress.

On a brighter note, I went on a shopping binge, had my account overdrawn is how serious it got. Sigh.

I just saw this and it made me smile a little. It just goes to show that people can be different and still be united.

J.L.P (from my facebook page) wrote: 

"My hair is relaxed. Chemically straightened and colored flaming red. I am not someone who seeks to be white. Nor am I doubtful of my heritage. I am someone who grew tired of natural styling, and who is confident enough in my history and skin to wear what I want. Pride is not worn on my scalp, its shown through endeavors"

As a response, N.A.A (a friend of J.L.P), responded:

"my version: My hair is natural and coiled. Not straightened, not colored. I am not someone who seeks to be black/more black. Nor am I doubtful of my heritage. I am someone who grew tired of relaxed styling, and who is confident enough in my history and skin to wear what I want. Pride is not worn on my scalp, its shown through endeavors."

People need to just stop with the whole you are more/less proud of your native land by the way you carry you hair. Yes, hair is important but to each man/woman his own. What would you now say to the half cast with a African mother and Russian father who has blond kinks. Abeg free ppl and their hair. Jor ooooooo. 

"Sometimes I feel like, throw my hands up in the air// I know I can count on you// Sometimes I feel like saying, LORD I just don't care// But you've got the love I need to see me through" 

                                                                            --"You've Got The Love" by Florence + The Machine

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Just Sex?? O_O

Just finished watching The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011). Good movie. Suits my taste buds and I'd recommend. But anyway the end just, like, slaps me. Real hard. I really did think (spoiler alert if you haven't and are planning to watch) they were gonna end up together in the end. I swear to you I did. But then she goes to deliver the coat and sees homeboy walking with his umm boss (?) who he's having an out-of-the-workplace relationship with...ughhhh. Well anyway I got over it and just let the movie marinate in my system for a while and then a convo I was having with some friends some months back came to my head. Point of the convo- A dude could just have sex and it would be just about sex but a gal couldn't. A woman would always get emotionally involved. This further led to... A woman cheating is worse than a man because he wasn't emotionally involved. As a group both ideas/theories came out to equal COMPLETE BULLSHIT. But we argued anyway. Now why am I thinking about this after the movie? Well, Lisabeth kinda got emotionally involved in the end and the dude who was cheating with her on his boss (?) who was cheating on her husband kinda didn't. The whole "which cheating is worse than the other?" is out the window, but I'm wondering could it ever be just sex? O_O Like could a woman just have just sex? With no emotions involved? I wonder.