Saturday, February 11, 2012

Burnt Blogger

I've been such a burnt blogger for the past week now. Questioning who I am, what I'm doing, if its the correct career choice, etc. and in the end I just end up feeling sad. I refuse to say depressed, water never fill well oo abeg, in other words, it hasn't gotten to that point. Anywho, just wanted to say, Adede's alive, stressing and tired but alive. Hope everyone had a wonderful week(end) and something to look forward to, whether its Vals or not. :-).

Lerra pipuls


  1. Babe, how far you now?! haba! Don't worry, this too shall pass. Oya inbox me your address, let me val you..and I am serious o!

    1. Afar dey for mosque my sista. Awww I feel so spezzzcial. I'm on my way to your page now.

  2. It is well. I hope you're doing better now. Cheer up!

    1. Thanks for caring! I'm doing better now for sure


Your comments are more than appreciated!! And if I don't respond, sorry in advance, school is probably strangling me :-)