Saturday, March 3, 2012

When is enough, enough??

So of the late, I've been hearing things regarding relationships and every discussion ends with "When is enough, enough?"

So my dear blogger friends, what would you do in this scenario?
You've been dating your partner since high school for 6 years. You've had ups and downs, a couple break ups and get back togethers,  but you stuck through it all, you made it work. Now of the recent, lets say for a year now, your partner has been allowing family members, particularly siblings, to be more involved in your relationship than they ought to. It has gotten to the point where you and partner were getting it on and sibling  walks into the room, delivers a message and request for immediate attention. Mind you, all this time you are naked, mid-moan and partner is actually more focused on the messaged than you at this point. On other occasions, partner skips dates, meetings and moments to chill with you for siblings. Given we all have familial responsibilities but seriously, mid-moan?? Now you've spoken to your partner numerous times, even spoken to sibling but still the problems persist and has even led to conflict between sibling and further, backstabbing.  Now tomorrow is your 6th year anniversary and partner cannot make dinner reservations due to sibling duties.
What do you do?

I am very big on allowing ppl to make their own decisions. So my response is always or at least most of the time, if I'm not yelling, a question. In this case my questions for reflection were "What is your breaking point? What is the point you will NOT go beyond? Have you gone beyond it?"
Now in proper defense, partner was not perfect when you met. But you saw more good than bad. There have been things that could've and most definitely should've changed at some point, but like we all do at time, you got lost in the moment. Now 6 years down the line, those issue have become more bothersome than they were 4 years ago.
So what do you do? Do you decide to give up on 6 years of your life with this person? Do you do more talking to get this person to realize their faults after having done so numerous times?
What do you do?
I'm all ears ppl.


  1. Dude is clearly taking her for granted. I don't know what i would do or maybe i'm too lazy to think. You said she already talked to him. She has to decide if this is a deal breaker or not.

    1. I feel the same way too. My whole thing is that if you nothing is changing then you change the status and leave.

  2. That's the problem with a lot of people, we expect others to change. If this was a problem 4 years ago, she should've nipped it in the bud back then, imo. I'm with Sting- she has to decide for herself whether or not this is a make or break issue. But if she decides to stick it out, then she needs to learn to live with it or be prepared to spend life doing this same back-and-forth song-and-dance that she's been doing. If its been all this time and its only gotten worse even after serious discussion, the likelihood of it getting better seems slim.

    1. I agree. Just seems like one of the things that she will end up leaving for something like not returning is phone call because of the built up anger.

      PS. I love how both of you assume partner was right. But considering the stats on it and the party involved in this situation, you are both absolutely correct. Tis a female

  3. If they are not married and that is already the case, I hope she is not thinking he will miraculously change after o! She should better decide if she can deal with it on the long run or not.......haba...mid-moan?! Se the embarrassment from that alone is not enough for her ni?...Issokay!


Your comments are more than appreciated!! And if I don't respond, sorry in advance, school is probably strangling me :-)