Sunday, July 22, 2012


During these late solitary hours of my life, I have realized that...

When we are so kids...
We have the energy, the spirit but not the sense

When we are teenagers...
We have the energy, the spirit, may/may not have the sense but not the funds

When we are young adults...
We have the energy, the spirit, the sense, the funds, but responsibilities

When we are old...
We have the spirit, the sense, the funds, responsibilities that have only become part of who we are but not the energy

The point is...
Something will always hold you back from doing what you want to do at EVERY stage of your life. There is not a stage with the perfect setting so make do and the best out of that which is in front of you.

This summer has to be less boring. July is about to say goodbye to me and very soon my posts will focus around the anger and frustration, so I gotss to henjoyy myself.

"You know better, now do better"-- I have know idea.

P.S. The "We" is more of "Me" but I refuse to call only myself out:-p

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, this is so true. Very very insightful. Looking forward to your angsty posts. Heh heh.


Your comments are more than appreciated!! And if I don't respond, sorry in advance, school is probably strangling me :-)