Sunday, December 4, 2011

So instead of studying for my Comp exam which I must get 100 in, (not even a joke, I have to get 100 to move forward in the program) I made some attempts in tying my geles. Lets just say the previous post  was like the best I've ever tied a gele. Anywhichway sha, its finally that time in the semester when  time is just dragging even though things are hitting from the left and right. Have projects to do, papers to type, and A LOT of studying to get done. Can't wait till its all over so I can just relax and not think of school whatsoever.

Anyway, yeah this post is short but hope you guys are having a good week or had a good week depending on how you look at it. In any case, lerra pipuls.


  1. My friend get on with that studying jo!!! Can u imagine!? tying geles instead of studying?! mcchewww...
    Oya seriously, just try... I can't even pretend like I dont understand what you mean. My only saving grace this semester is the study abroad...cos instead of the traipsing of China that I am doing now, I would have been in your shoes....*shudder*

    Lerra pipuls....:)

  2. Lmao!!! I did study! And I got the 100!!! *Doing my little dance*
    I'm soooo jealous of your study abroad! I want to study abroad, sha not in China, I saw your turkeys and beefs!
    You berra be dancing too oo!

  3. You did a great job! I would love to learn

  4. Thank you!!! Hopefully over the winter I'll improve my skills and make a tutorial.


Your comments are more than appreciated!! And if I don't respond, sorry in advance, school is probably strangling me :-)